Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Miracles True or Imagined?

I am going to make a short statement which will be rejected outright by exactly 90% of the readers of this article, this is of no importance to me as the entire article was written for only the 10% that will immediately grasp the full contents of it. When questioning His wisdom at the sermon on the mountain, He answered saying, I am not speaking to them, (The masses) I am speaking to you! Later on Apostle Paul makes a similar distinction when he mentions in his prayer, "Lord, I pray not for the world but for those that you had given me out of the world". My Statement: GOD IS THE WORD a very special audible word and THE BIBLE IS THE HOLY SCRIPTURES a whole lot of letters thrown together about good people and bad people simply a reference point NOT THE WORD. Read all of the miracles that Jesus and other Apostles had performed.They all shared one key element namely THE SPOKEN WORD (GOD)
So you feel that the shoe doesn't quite fit you, well good for you, but if you were like the rest of us "Human-ESE", who should just for once get up off our behinds and just doing something really selfless! Like what? you're asking. How about just a change of attitude where it matters or just keeping your mouth shut while the usual criticism of the "down and outs" is being ranted about by the so called Have's. Or maybe, just for once asking the receiver of your hand outs, what they really want from life apart from the food which we all must have to sustain life.

It may just surprise you to find out, that what they really need isn't only the food or shelter which you so graciously provide and "God Bless you" for that, but a simple hug or a few kind words may just lie at center of it all. Not like some celebrities that are praised for their amazing kindness in lavishing oodles of "Sponsored" and publicly donated goodies and funds upon various, hapless beings as it's seen to be done.

The kindness I am speaking of here doesn't improve your network ratings in any sense. To illustrate what I mean,recently a small article in a local newspaper mentioned briefly that a certain "unknown" individual gave the keys and ownership of his brand new million dollar Audi sports car to a bunch of security guards at a local supermarket outlet.When through excellent investigative journalism the "donor" is traced, he forbids any mention of his name and details in the paper.

I cannot substantiate what I am about to say but I think that it's reasonably safe to assume that in at least the hearts and minds of the recipients and their families and friends alike, The accolades of one anonymous act of selfless kindness will reverberate for years to come and even more loudly, since it had gone across racial lines in a society which still grapples with race issues.

Whether the anonymous donor owns an entire fleet of priceless cars or not, is of no consequence here, due to his wish for this to remain in anonymous.
In symbolic relevance, it is comparable to the Biblical widow who gave her last penny. Note,There are fewer starving Caucasians in this world for one simple reason, there just happens to be fewer of them populating the planet, for whatever reason. A per capita count will reveal that there are no more starving black people than there are starving whites and that the figures might even exceed the number of impoverished black people.