Monday, July 26, 2010


I have created this blogsite as a forum or platform,for sharing authentic encounters with the supernatural. What I am hoping for,is to shed light on the spirit realm.Many "gifted" people throughout the world, remain silent about their experiences with the "afterlife" all because of their fear of ridicule.I find it strange,as death and dying is an integral part of every human being.

As we must all depart from these earthly bodies, sooner or later, I am hoping to share some of my experiences with you in the hope that by doing this, I will to some extent be shedding some light on a very "taboo" subject, and thereby,possibly alleviate some doubts and fears about death and dying.

In order to fully understand where I am coming from,I need to first give you some background information about myself.To start off, I am a retired church Priest with 35 years of service as an ordained minister.During this time I was repeatedly exposed to situations concerning the afterlife.